Graffeg The cheese Cook book

Graffeg The cheese Cook book - A Welsh Secret - A Welsh Secret - Graffeg -

Graffeg The cheese Cook book

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Awarded Best in Wales in the Cheese category in the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Competing for Best in the World at the Gourmand Awards in May 2018.

The Cheese Cookbook features a selection of recipes celebrating the plethora of delicious Welsh cheeses. With recipes including Asparagus and Aberwen Puffs, Pantysgawn with Mediterranean Salsa, Cearphilly and Leek Pancake Dome and Glamorgan Sausages.

Cheesemaking was lost to Wales during the Second World War, due to greater demand for milk. But the mid-1980s saw a revival or artisan cheesemaking on farms around the country. Today there are at least 23 cheese producers in Wales with some 136 varieties on offer. Along with 10 recipes featuring delicious Welsh cheeses, this book also has detailed notes on all the fantastic Welsh cheesemakers currently in operation.

These easy, versatile recipes can be made all year round, with ingredients that celebrate the best of Welsh food and the fantastic range of artisan cheeses being made in Wales.

Written by Gilli Davies with photography by Huw Jones.

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