Summer recipes

Summer recipes - A Welsh Secret - A Welsh Secret -

Summer recipes

Pris rheolaidd £9.99
Treth wedi'i chynnwys. /cy/policies/shipping-policy '>Cyfrifo'r cludo wrth y ddesg dalu.
  • Cyflenwi Cyflym
  • Taliadau diogel


Hardback  |  160 pages  |  150 x 150mm
Publication May 2017  

The second in a series of five seasonal cook books, Angela Gray's Summer Recipes contains 30 recipes celebrating the best of summer's ingredients and fresh dishes. With recipes that are ideal for a family barbecue, or packing up and taking to the park, this little book is your ideal kitchen companion over the summer months.

Recipes include:

  • Tagliatelle with Summer Herb Butter, Peas and Beans
  • Hot Smoked Barbecued Gammon with Mango and Chilli Glaze
  • Peach Melba Cheesecake

With photographs by food photographer Huw Jones.

Defnyddiwch dabiau cwympadwy i gael gwybodaeth fanylach a fydd yn helpu cwsmeriaid i wneud penderfyniad prynu.

E.e: Polisïau cludo a dychwelyd, canllawiau maint, a chwestiynau cyffredin eraill.

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