Llinellau Coll Cymru a Lloegr

Lost Lines of England & Wales - A Welsh Secret - A Welsh Secret - Graffeg -

Llinellau Coll Cymru a Lloegr

Pris rheolaidd £8.99

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Hardback | 64 pages | 150 x 200mm 
Publication 24 October 2022 

Opened in 1876 and closed to passengers in 1959, the Wye Valley Railway ran from Tutshill Halt (just north of Chepstow) to Monmouth Troy. The scenic beauty of the lower Wye Valley, evident in many of the archive photographs collected for this volume, was well utilised by the Great Western Railway to promote tourism and many structures from its operation are still in existence. This includes Tintern station, now in use as a visitor centre in this very popular tourist area, which includes Tintern Abbey, Symonds Yat and the Forest of Dean.

G.P. Essex is a transport author and photographer. Find out more at www.randomrailways.com.

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